Historic Markers
In 2008, the Woodbridge Township Historic Preservation Commission began placing Historic Markers on the various sites of historical significance in Woodbridge Township. The program continues to recognize a number of sites each year, according to the funding available.
The following is a listing of the sites already identified by a marker and the year in which that marker was erected.
In 2020, the following properties were recognized:
S.W. Phillips Grist & Saw Mill, 190 Woodbridge Avenue
100 East Prospect Avenue, Woodbridge
Woodbridge and the Revolutionary War, The Battle of the Short Hills, St. Georges
and Woodbine Avenues
Woodbridge and the Revolutionary War, The Battle of the Short Hills, Inman Avenue
St. Andrew Church, Avenel
In 2019, the following properties were recognized:
81 Green Street, Woodbridge
Arthur Kill/Staten Island Sound, Sewaren
Bridesmaid House, Colonia
Garden for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Iselin Library
Woodbridge and the Revolutionary War, Strawberry Hill & Hampton Cutter Mansion
Hess Oil Refinery, 750 Cliff Road, Sewaren
In 2018, the following properties were recognized:
510 East Avenue, Sewaren
611 Barron Avenue, Woodbridge
Dr. Fred Albee House, Colonia
Flip's Tavern, Green Street, Iselin
General Dynamics, 150 Avenel Street, Avenel
Poor Farm, Gill Lane, Iselin
Woodbridge Train Wreck Site, Fulton Street, Woodbridge
In 2017, the following properties were recognized:
62 Green Street, Woodbridge
117 East Prospect Avenue, Woodbridge
125 Freeman Street, Woodbridge
150 East Prospect Avenue, Woodbridge
646 Ridgedale Avenue, Woodbridge
755 Hillside Place, Woodbridge
805 Ridgedale Avenue, Woodbridge
In 2016, the following properties were recognized:
Heard's Corner, corner of Rahway Avenue and Green Street, Woodbridge
44 Green Street, Woodbridge
86 Green Street Woodbridge
94 Green Street, Woodbridge
95 Green Street, Woodbridge
125 Green Street, Woodbridge
181 Green Street, Woodbridge
247 Green Street, Woodbridge
500 Green Street, Woodbridge
Cedar Cliff, 434 Cliff Road, Sewaren
In 2015, the following properties were recognized:
Cooper Farms, Cooper Avenue at the Little League Baseball Field, Iselin
First Presbyterian Church of Iselin, Oak Tree Road, Iselin
Iselin Theater, Oak Tree Road, Iselin
St. Cecilia Church, Oak Tree Road, Iselin
Menlo Park Terrace School, Menlo Park Terrace
In 2014, the following properties were recognized:
St. Anthony of Padua, 436 Port Reading Ave., Port Reading
Maple Tree Farm, 871 Rahway Ave., Avenel
Avenel Schools 4 & 5, 224-236 Avenel St., Avenel
McMyler Coal Dumper, Coal Pier, Middlesex Ave., Port Reading
In 2013, the following properties were recognized:
The Cutter House, 891 Main St., Fords
Woman's Club, 11 Corrielle St., Fords
Fords Corner, New Brunswick Ave. & King Georges Post Road, Fords
Fords Porcelain Works, 950 King Georges Post Road, Fords
Hopelawn School 10, 52 Clyde Ave., Hopelawn
In 2012, the following properties were recognized:
Cooper-Neuberg House, 380 Cliff Rd., Sewaren
Boynton Beach, corner of Cliff Rd. & Ferry St., Sewaren
St. John's Episcopal Church, Woodbridge Ave. & Cliff Rd., Sewaren
Gorham Boynton House, 483 West Ave., Sewaren
Sewaren Free Public Library, 546 West Ave., Sewaren
In 2011, the following properties were recognized:
Colonia Country Club, Colonia Boulevard, Colonia
Colonia Triangle - marking the site of the Bishop Grist & Sawmill and the First Colonia Library, Chain O'Hills & New Dover Road, Colonia
U. S. General Hospital No. 3, corner of Dorset & New Dover Road in Colonia
Kinnekort, corner of New Dover Road and Colonia Boulevard
The Trees (The Old Cone Place), 374 New Dover Road, Colonia
In 2010, the following markers were added:
Woodbridge High School (now Middle School), 525 Barron Avenue, Woodbridge
James Parker Press, Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge
St. James Roman Catholic Parish, Amboy Avenue & Main Street, Woodbridge
United Methodist Church, Main Street, Woodbridge
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge
In 2009, the following markers were added:
First Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge
Jonathan Dunham House, Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge
Trinity Churchyard, Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge
Fitz-Randolph House, 569 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge
First Congregational Church, 545-561 Barron Avenue, Woodbridge
School No. 1 (Administration Building), 421 School Street, Woodbridge
Bloomfield House, 115-117 Harrell Avenue, Woodbridge
J. J. Bitting Coal & Feed Depot, 33 Main Street, Woodbridge
In 2008, the following properties were recognized:
Aaron Dunn Homestead/Jost-Keating House— 12 Freeman Street, Woodbridge
Barron Library (now The Barron Arts Center)— 582 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge
Barron House— 574 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge
Cross Keys Tavern—142 No. James St. (behind 7/11 on Rt. 35), Woodbridge
First Presbyterian Church (The Old White Church)—Corner Rahway Avenue and Port Reading Avenue, Woodbridge
Methodist Episcopal Church Parsonage— 71 Main Street, Woodbridge
Trinity Episcopal Church—Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge